Dr. James Thompson

Dr. phil. James Thompson
- Sprachphilosophie, Phänomenologie, Pragmatismus, Politische Philosophie und Ethik
- Philosophy of Language, Phenomenology, American Pragmatism, Political Philosophy, and Ethics
Anstehende und neulich abgeschlossene Initiativen:
- International Conference: "Wittgensteinian Approaches to Moral Thought", (organisiert mit Stefan Rummens und Benjamin De Mesel), KU Leuven, Belgien, 17.-18. September 2015
- International Workshop: "Anthropology meets Pragmatist Philosophy: Anticipatory Knowledge and the Practices of Measuring and Producing (In)Security", Research Cluster: Society and Culture in Motion", Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 9.-10. Jüli 2015
- Plenary Speaker: "Wittgenstein, the 'Practice Turn', and his Influence on the Social Sciences", British Wittgenstein Society Annual Conference, Exeter University, 13.-14. Juni 2015
- International Conference: "Human Rights and Islam", Research Cluster: Society and Culture in Motion", 25.-26. Mai 2015
- Special Issue: "Wittgenstein and Contemporary Moral Issues", herausgeben mit Benjamin De Mesel) in der Zeitschrift Ethical Perspectives (erscheint März 2015)
- Public Lecture: "The Unfolding Forgetfulness of the Essence of Technology", Clemson University, 3. März 2015
- Paper: "A Question of Practice", Workshop: "Was leistet die Praxistheorie?", Uni Köln, 22.-23. Januar 2015
- Paper: "The Role of Metacodes in Authentication and Normativity", Workshop, Authenticating Religious Leadership in Divided Public Spheres, University of Cologne, Oct. 24.-25., 2014
- International Workshop: "Conflict Resolution, Remembrance, and Justice: Towards an International Center for Reconciliation at the University of Halle", (organisiert mit Ralph Buchenhorst), Research Cluster „Society and Culture in Motion“, MLU, 17.–18. Jüli, 2014
- Public Lecture: Dr. Kathy Davis (VU University, Amsterdam) "Can a Feminist Dance the Tango? Some Reflections on the Experience and Politics of Passion" (organisiert mit Sophie Pfaff), Research Cluster „Society and Culture in Motion“, MLU,Deutschland, 24. Juni 2014
- Graduate Workshop: Dr. Kathy Davis (VU Amsterdam) "Doing global/multi-sited ethnography", (organisiert mit Sophie Pfaff) Graduate School Society and Culture in Motion, MLU, Deutschland, 24. Juni 2014
- Paper: "Dewey on Freedom, Responsibility, and Rights", Tagung: Freiheit als Rechtsbegriff, MLU, Deutschland, 18.-20. Juni 2014
- Paper: "Anticipatory Knowledge and the Generation of (In)security", VAD Tagung, Universität Bayreuth, Deutschland, 11.-14. Juni, 2014
- Workshop: "Practices and the Practical Turn", (organisiert mit Ralph Buchenhorst und Daniele Cantini), Graduate School Society and Culture in Motion, Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Deutschland, 4. Juni, 2014
- Paper: "The Phenomenological Impulse: Experience and the Primacy of Practice", Nordic Wittgenstein Society, Stavanger Universität, Norwegen, 30.-31. Mai, 2014.